St Albert Dentists Implants
Implants are used to mimic the form and function of our natural teeth. Natural teeth are made up of two components: a crown and a root. The crown of our tooth is the part we chew with; it is above the gums and bone. A root is located beneath the bone and gums, and it is used anchor our crown in place. A dental implant is a titanium "root" that gets fitted into a socket in your jawbone that mimics the form and function of a tooth root. Fastened to the implant is a crown that looks and functions like a natural tooth. The new crown is customized to match your adjacent teeth and to fit your bite.
What are the benefits of getting dental implants?
They look and act like natural teeth
They can last a lifetime with the right care
You don’t get cavities or decay
They improve your appearance, comfort, and speech if you are missing a tooth or teeth
It maintains your bone levels after an extraction
It is easier to chew your food than it would be if you left a space